Newsletter update: Newsletters from LHM Vancouver, Alsaka, and Tacoma Wa. have been uploaded. Ship reports are up to date as of January 28th, 2025
2022 Church Update Videos Coming Soon!
Please take a look at our 2021 update video and our Seafarer's Gift Wrapping video (below right).
Here is a brief video to walk you through our various donation options.
If you click on the double-arrow in the bottom-right corner the video will play full-screen for you.
Notice regarding our Annual Fundraising Breakfast
Well, we've made it through the pandemic, but now we have a different situation on our hands. The cost of hosting a breakfast has increased substantially. In the past we subsidized the cost of each meal to $20 to make it more affordable, but now the costs have risen so much that a substantial portion of donations received would be required to maintain a $20 ticket price. In light of this, we voted to visit churches to share the good news about what God is doing for the seafarers. This way we can reach many people who would not usually come to the breakfast, to introduce them to the ministry of NLM. If you would like us to come to your church, please send us a note through the contact page and we would be happy to come and share with your congregation.
Donations Page is now working!
Thanks for your patience. The "Donations" page is now up and running. There are 5 different ways that you can become an integral part of this ministry by supporting us now in lieu of at our Annual Fundraising Breakfast. We thank you, in advance, for helping us to reach the seamen with the love of Jesus during these difficult times. God Bless you!
Welcome Message (at the bottom of this page)
OK, it has been a long time coming, but I have finally updated the welcome message. Check it out!
General notice:
Ship reports have been updated as of December 30th, 2022. Also, pictures for each ship are now displayed below each ship report (where applicable). I have also added more crew pictures in the 2018 and 2019 reports.
important note to members
I have updated the member and site password protection on the pages of this website. If you experience any difficulty logging into the members area, please send me an email through the "contact" page and I will fix the problem right away. Thank you. Webmaster
NLM Members - Click Here
Ships Crew - Click Here
Nanaimo Lighthouse Ministries (NLM) has been operating in the Nanaimo area for 32 years! We are an outreach to the seamen who visit our ports from many different countries, including seamen from the Philippines, China, India, Vietnam, and sometimes from Korea, Myanmar, and Eastern Europe.
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Grant and I am the president of NLM.
I first heard about NLM when I was in university and was asked to make a promotional video for the ministry (I did video work part-time to earn spending money). I followed the missionaries on the ships and videotaped them interacting with the seamen. I was so impressed with the ministry that I continued going on the ships after the video was finished! I learned to share the gospel with much fear and trembling. Actually, what would happen is that I would go on the ship with one of our missionaries and he would say, "gentlemen, we are here to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, and brother Grant will tell you all about him!" That's when I would start shaking in my boots and stumble through my gospel presentation. Eventually though, I got better at it and began to enjoy sharing the gospel, and my testimony, with the men. I distinctly remember how excited I was to pray with a group of seamen to receive Christ as their Saviour. Over the years I have seen God work in marvellous ways as He provided opportunities for us to share His gospel with the seamen.
God has blessed this ministry in many ways over the years, and in the face of an ever-changing society, with challenges around every corner, He remains faithful.
I am thankful for all of our missionaries who faithfully board ships in all kinds of weather, carrying heavy loads of literature and Christmas presents, to share the gospel with the crews. They are our front-line workers who endure much to take the gospel to the seamen. They visit with the seamen, pray with them, take them shopping and deliver Christmas presents to them (a most welcome gesture of love since the men are away from their families and feeling very lonely at this time of year).
I'm thankful to our board of directors who work diligently behind the scenes to keep this ministry going. They are the gatekeepers who pray, manage, and support the ministry while keeping a keen ear out for God's will in everything we do.
I'm thankful to the toque knitters who faithfully supply us with warm toques to give to the seamen. A toque is a very welcome gift by the seamen who are often wearing every piece of clothing that they have to stay warm in our cold, damp climate. I once heard of one seaman who goes to bed with a toque on his head and one on each foot! If you are a knitter, there are patterns below that you can download and print. Please send me a message through the "contact" page under the "Home" link above for how to get them to us.
And I am very thankful for all of our supporters who give to keep this ministry going. We covet your prayers as we face so many challenges in a world that is moving away from anything to do with our true and loving God. And we praise God that He is faithful to answer every need; and has done so for the last 32 years! As I write this, it is with a sense of assurance that God started this ministry (see our "history" page under the "Members" menu for how it all began) and He will see it through no matter what we face. The seamen whom we preach the gospel to can go back to their homes, sometimes in countries that are opposed to the gospel, and share with their families and friends. in this way, God is spreading His gospel much further than we can imagine.
Let us all give thanks and praise to our God, who can do more than we could ever ask or imagine, for what He has done through NLM over the last 30 years.
Members - To view the pages under (and including) "Ship reports," you must go to the "contact" page (under the "home" link) and send us an email requesting a login name and password
ships crew - proceed to the "Pictures of ship visits" page (under the "ships crew" link at the top) where you will enter your password to have access to resources and to view and download pictures